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Field of Dreams

Another week, another NSRRA race. The races have been coming thick and fast since the beginning of June and I've been feeling the pressure of my 7-race winning streak in Group W and the impact on my legs! My last few races have been tough and I've had to rely on my inner Pollyanna to find some bright spots.

View from the Kitchen!
As race day dawned for the Berryhill 10k, my enthusiasm for another race was distinctly lacking. The rain was back and conditions did not look favourable. But I'd arranged a lift with Liz and Mr T was coming to support me too. In the end, we were pretty lucky with the conditions - the rain disappeared, the wind eased quite considerably and over 160 runners lined up for the start of the main race, which involved one small lap and two larger laps around Berryhill Fields - which I see from my kitchen window every day.
Despite my best efforts at organisation - I remembered safety pins to attach my race number - I forget my Garmin and so would be running "naked" in a race for the first time - no split times, no distance markers, no information about pace. I was actually quite relieved, as I would run based on how I was feeling rather than trying to run at a specific pace or beat a particular time. This seemed to take some pressure off and I felt quite relaxed at the start.
The race began with a bit of a scrum at the top of an incline, with the first kilometre or so mostly downhill. I kept pace with several of the other Group W runners over that first section and then eased ahead alongside Potters Trotters team mate Bobbie as we reached the start of the first substantial climb. The course combines several different underfoot conditions and that that first hill was up a grassy bank - it wasn't a constant climb but rather lots of short steep sections followed by a slight dip, repeated to the highest point of the course. The terrain was tough but fortunately not too muddy.

It was at this point on the first lap that Bobbie powered ahead - I stuck with her for as long as I could but gradually fell behind. She became my target for the rest of the race - I didn't think I could catch up with her but I tried to keep her in my sights for as long as possible. It was tricky, as there were loads of twists and turns on the course, and she was getting further ahead. But every now and then, I'd spot her pink Potters Trotters vest up ahead and keep pushing on. I received lots of encouragement from Mr T, Potters Trotters star supporter Justine and Billy at various points on the course too.

It was quite a solitary run after that first lap - the relatively small field of runners spread out and there weren't many other people out and about, especially at the furthest parts of the course. The second lap was probably the most difficult for me - I wasn't sure of the route and had to concentrate on the runners up ahead to make sure I went the right way. As I reached the end of the second lap, several of the faster runners passed me and finished the race... if only!
And then it was the final lap and I actually enjoyed it this time - I was running as fast as I could on the day and felt like I was maintaining pace pretty well. I even overtook a couple of runners before the finish, which gave me a boost. I gave it my all on the last climb and from the top of the course, I took a moment to look out and take in the view. I managed a smile for photographer Bryan Dale too, although not quite the enthusiastic wave I'd managed at Stone. Then it was down to the finish and I tried to lift my pace to finish as strongly as I could. My official time was recorded as 56:52 and I was 29th lady, 139th overall.

The race was done and it was great to be cheered into the finish by team mate Bobbie - who completed her race almost 2 minutes ahead of me. And then there was the usual post-race catch ups and we also stayed around to cheer home the rest of the Potters Trotters – some great runs by all those who took part.
And so my winning streak is over... and I couldn't have lost out to a more deserving runner as Bobbie took the 50 points in Group W. She delivered an amazing run on the tough course and beat her best time by almost 4 minutes. I'm very happy with my second place finish in the group  this time - 399 points out of 400 still sounds pretty good to me.

My next NSSRA race is the Cheadle 4 on July 14th - another new location and I'll just have to wait and see how I feel on the day. I may even run "naked" again as I actually enjoyed running without feeling the need to respond to every beep of my watch. And then on the 21st July, I'll be following in the footsteps of Jess, Usain and Mo as I take part in the Anniversary Run in Olympic Park - my sprint finish on that day will be on the track in the Olympic Stadium!
Happy Running

Liz T.


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