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Saved by A Scarf

On Friday, soaking wet, cold, a bit grumpy after a walking home from work (twice) in the sleet and with my nieces arriving later, I opted for a hot chocolate, fluffy blanket and my arm chair; it turns out I'm not always brave enough to get out there and run.

On Saturday, my day started early, with an inspection of Hanley Park to check all the snow and ice had melted and we were safe to run. Run director responsibilities meant a lot of walking but not much running.

Saturday afternoon, my favourite time for a long run, was instead devoted to shopping; my nieces wanted Primark, Starbucks, Claire's Accessories, the Stoke Shop. More walking, lots of chatting, a few purchases and plenty of silliness,... but still no long run.

So now it's Sunday, I've just waved goodbye to our visitors, the house is quiet and there are about 4 hours of daylight left in which to get myself out of the front door and complete my long run challenge for the week... I've left it late! But there's lots of tidying up to do and I'm definitely still a bit sleepy.

And so I found myself sitting on the stairs, dressed and ready to run, GPS ready, it's time to move.

It's time to move.

And I'm not really looking forward to it.

I'm definitely wavering.

I've got 12 miles on my plan - perhaps I'll just aim for 6?

I just need to move.

It's time to move.

Go on, get out there and run.

I'm still wavering... I could sit for a few minutes and think about it.

I eventually move... but away from the front door and into the kitchen.

The wavering has worsened.

And then, I catch sight of niece Isabelle's new scarf, one of yesterday's important purchases. Left on the back of a chair in the kitchen. Forgotten.

I check my watch - it's 12:02, their train leaves from Stoke Station at 12:25.

Inspiration has come. If I go now, I might just make it.

And then I'm out of the door, definitely ignoring general advise to warm up gently.

I have a purpose, a scarf to deliver. It's a bit less than a mile and half. I can do this.

And I do.

Scarf delivered with a couple of minutes to spare, happy niece, slightly out-of-breath auntie.

I wave them onto the train and resume my run. I'm out there now, it's not so difficult to keep going.

But can I get to 12 miles?

Yes I can. It took lots of will power and a few little challenges as I ran -  I even managed a Strava Segment PB. One step at a time, one mile at a time.

I dit it.

Making Strava Patterns
So a big thank you to my slightly forgetful but wonderfully inspirational niece Isabelle... my running week was definitely saved by a scarf.


  1. I'm still Mr Plantar Fascitis and cant go anywhere grrrr

  2. yes, running errands is really motivating..... keep going Liz


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