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New Beginning

A few months ago, maybe even a year ago, I wrote a list. 

A list of what I wanted; a collection of connected words and phrases describing how I'd like to spend my days at work. 

I'm not sure exactly what event prompted me to start writing the list... perhaps it was the arrival of a new Moomin notebook, perhaps it was after a really challenging day at work, perhaps the announcement of yet another variation of lockdown being implemented. 

But I wrote a list. 

I'm not sure if I wrote the list all in one go... or came back to it over several days and added to it. 

But I wrote a list. 

And then forgot about it.

The notebook wasn't written in again and remained lost under of pile of "filing" until just a couple of weeks ago.

But during the time since writing that list, quietly and almost without realising it, I was finding a way to make my wish list a reality.

I was looking at new opportunities. 

I was thinking about how I wanted to spend my time.

I was working out what I enjoyed and what I didn't. 

I was seeking inspiration from new and familiar sources and trusting I was still brave enough.

I was walking, running and cycling my way along Route 66 (virtually at least).

I was talking to friends and colleagues and listening to their advice. 

I was looking outside the box. 

I was prepared to take a risk.

The words on my list had stuck with me. 

I tried and failed a couple of times.

I had some meltdowns along the way. 

I went round in circles and worried about whether the grass really would be greener.

But I tried again.

And this week, I started a new job.

A job with Sightsavers, an international charity committed to protecting sight and fighting for disability rights. 

A job where my role as a data literacy manager and daily challenges will hopefully indirectly and directly impact on the success of the projects the charity supports around the world.
A job where I will mainly be working from home and and hopefully have time to spare for running, creating, crafting, cooking, baking and living a healthier life (no more Haribo for lunch).

A job where my team is located all around the world and hopefully I will get the chance to meet some of them in person in the not too distant future (Mr T is definitely looking forward to being a trailing spouse, especially if visits to projects coincide with some future cricket tours).

A job where I will be drawing on analytical skills not used in a while and hopefully learning lots of new ones too.

A job where I am looking forward to working with a clear purpose and eventually work myself out of a job.

It's a new beginning.

I've said a sad goodbye and thank you to my former colleagues - I loved my send-off, especially the balloons.

I've had a week off to catch up on sleep and create a bit of order out of chaos.

I've transformed my office environment and created a calming place to work and think (with Kermit and Percy Pig for company).


I've tentatively made a plan to train for another ultramarathon sometime in the future but started slowly with some parkrun tourism.

I've taken a break from a few other things to give myself time to adjust and feel at home in my new role. 

It's time for new beginning. 

I'll let you know how it goes. 


(Musical interlude by the Soweto String Quartet - I walked down the aisle to this music back in 2009). 


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