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Back to Happy

I'm sitting on the balcony watching the world go by, the bottle kilns my ever-present backdrop. 

It's early on Sunday morning. The sun is shining, there is a refreshing breeze. Every now and then, the sound of traffic replaces bird song to interrupt the peace and quiet. A couple walking their dog pass by on the bank opposite. The same man who runs by everyday has just appeared. Someone is fishing up by the bridge. A child is feeding the ducks.

The coffee tastes good. 

I've got a new book to read.

It's my happy place; my place to reflect and re-set.

In the nearly 12 months since my last blog post, my new job has continued to be just what I needed, we've had some mini-adventures and lots of fun-filled days. There have been a few bumps in the road, especially when it comes to blogging and running, but I've been doing my best to live up to the intention to start again.

First there was Tailenders Live, which definitely brought the laughter back...

Then a week in Wales, trying grapefruit wheat beer at an OMD gig, back in Cardiff, home for Christmas, cooking by candlelight in the Lake District, parkrun milestones, my sister becoming the mayor and so much more...)

But, nearly 30 months after covid first disrupted 'normal' life, the double lines of despair have finally struck for MrT and he is stuck behind the bars (for a few days at least).

No trip to Crosby today to see the Anthony Gormley statues, no Doctor Who exhibit in Liverpool, no crazy golf at New Brighton. Instead, a hastily arranged shopping delivery left on the doorstep and lots of time on our hands, with nowhere to go.

My mind has catapulted backwards to those first days of lockdown, when the other side of the canal felt like a world away, a forbidden world at that, and I was scrambling around to find a new normal.

Time is moving slowly again and I'm not sure how we will fill the day (especially as the test match finished early). 

Is it time to sort out the tupperware cupboard again? Or go through my wardrobe for a clearout? Clean the oven? Do the weeding in the backyard? Try a Joe Wicks workout? Binge watch something on Netflix (part way through Season 4 of Stranger Things)? Do some (more) unnecessary online shopping? Book something, anything, to do when it's all over and we can be free to roam again? Listen to a new podcast? 

I could create another collage from holiday photos - that one's easy - see below:

Commonwealth Games Birmingham 2022 - competitors from 66 out of 72 countries*, 12 different sports, 7 different venues, a lot of queuing and a great week

Fortunately, MrT has very mild symptoms and is happily embracing his inner-sloth. 

Perhaps, I will do the same. 

It's lovely here on the balcony. I can sit a bit longer, jot down some thoughts and resurrect my occasional blogging habit. 

And fingers crossed, I might somehow avoid my own double lines of doom and be back out in the world again very soon.

Stay well


* If you are interested, we missed out on Kiribati, Bangladesh, Vanuatu, Turks and Caicos, Tonga and Montserrat!


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