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Halfway there!

There is usually a light bulb moment during the week when inspiration comes for the blog; it can be something someone says, a place I'm visiting, something I see whilst running or a random thought that just pops into my head. But once the inspiration hits, it's then a matter of translating that into a post.

So this week, inspiration came when I realised we're almost half way through 2019 and that means half way through my blogging challenge too. 

It's time for a mid-year appraisal and, overall, so far, so good; 26 blog posts, no missing weeks and I've really enjoyed writing again. I'm not sure if it's a coincidence, but I'm also really enjoying running too. 

I've been looking back and have picked out some of my favourite moments so far...
  • Blogging inspiration.... when I spent all weekend putting off my long run and was then saved by a lost scarf (thanks Isabelle
  • Taking on a challenge...  a race day in the Olympic Park in London when I tested myself over half marathon distance for the first time in a long time
  • Spending time with a good friends....  the return of the Friday Five and some joyful and emotional long runs with the lovely ladies from Potters Trotters
  • Celebrating forward progress... when the wind is trying to blow you off your feet
  • Enjoying the build-up to a big race... and the satisfaction of completing target mileage with a big weekend of running
  • Continuing my parkrun adventures... running with the crowd in Cannon Hill Park, experiencing the wow factor on a cliff top in Guernsey and getting muddy at Cheadle Hulme. Just two more runs to go to reach the milestone of 250 parkuns (hopefully July 13th at Hanley parkrun)
  • Achieving a goal by finishing with a smile on face... even if I had to run a a really long way to get there
  • Trying to avoid past mistakes... by being Little Miss Careful when it comes to recovery
  • Learning all about the ventilatory threshold... and being very pleased to know that chatty runs are an essential part of training  - it's good to talk


That seems like a lot packed into six months - no wonder I sometimes need a rest.

As with all appraisals, I've also been thinking about what I can do differently; how to step outside my comfort zone has been occupying my thoughts in the last couple of weeks. 

I'm currently working on a plan for another big challenge for later in the year but little adventures are fun too; along with my running club mates from Potters Trotters, we're keeping ourselves motivated over the summer by taking on 30 different challenges and raising funds for 3 charities chosen by club members. I've already managed to run round a lake, spot spot some Bottle Kilns, get lost in the woods and do some volunteering. Join in or support us if you can.

So I'm halfway there; lots  to celebrate and more of the same for the second half of 2019 with hopefully a few unexpected adventures too.


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